Meet Patricia

Patricia is 72 years old, lives on her own in Chemainus describes her “old self” as an emotional eater, depressed, full of guilt about not taking better care of herself.  Feeling like a doormat, immobilized unable to motivate herself to get moving,“ always cocooning and disgusted with her life in general”. I first met Patricia…

Ticks are Here Just in Time for Hiking Season

Spring is finally here, hiking season too, but that also means increased exposure to ticks. A bite from a tick can cause Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is the most common tick-borne disease in North America. It can cause serious, long term disability if left untreated. According to the BC Center for Disease Control there are…

Hike n Tone, moderate group. Cowichan River Park, Cowichan Valley, BC,

Hiking Can Change Our Brains!

I came accross this interesting article about how hiking can change our brains!  More and more studies are coming out that suggest or prove how hiking lowers our risk of heart attack, improves blood pressure and blood sugar levels, increases bone density because it is a weight bearing activity.

Forever FitIn this interval training workout you will get your heart pumpn' and burn more body fat by adding steps to the workout. Burn up to 790 calories an hour! Fitness Schedule to help you Maximize Your Cardio Results| Forever Fit, Duncan, B.C

Maximize Your Cardio Workouts

Maximize your cardio workouts.  Yes its true that cardio burns calories but straight cardio is not the best way to burn calories and lose weight.  Combining resistance training, cardio intervals and compound movements raises your heart rate while burning fat more efficiently. However, muscles need time to rest and repair so cardio is a great way to…