Avoiding the cold and flu is not easy, all we can do is our best. Get a good sleep, eat healthy, cover your face with your elbow when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands and sanitize your space. Forever Fit, Duncan, BC

Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands – Revised

Keep calm but wash your hands! Wow…the Corona Virus is really affecting how we live right now. I’ve never seen anything like this. While I do not want to panic or create any panic, I think it is important to be calm but more diligent about our actions. In light of what is happening in…

Detoxifying Green Smoothie for Healthy Digestion

Detoxifying Green Smoothie for Healthy Digestion is a great way to improve your hydration, rejuvenate your skin tone and hair texture. Help your body eliminate all those toxins and empty your bowels by consuming this easy to make healthy drink everyday. Article; Lindsay Cotter on Mar 18, 2019 01:16 am Recipe adapted by Nancy McNeil…

The power of intentions. What are yours for 2019? What are your life intentions? Forever Fit, Duncan, BC

What Are My Intentions for 2019

What are my intentions for 2019 and what exactly does that mean? What does this have to do with health, fitness? my body? my weight loss? Is it the same as a goal? I have been asking these questions for years now. And I’m just now starting to shed some light on these questions. I…

Fascia has been a hot topic for a while but now, scientists at Harvard are discovering critical it is in maintaining our health. Sue Hitzman shows us how to create a healthy fascia and decrease pain. Forever Fit, Duncan, BC

The New Organ… Fascia

Theres’s a new organ in town. Fascia has been a hot topic for a while. However, scientists are now discovering how critical it is in maintaining health. Fascia was considered to be insignificant, passive packing material. Sue Hitzman, creator of the MELT Method, has been promoting the importance of the fascia and it’s role in health for many years…