Avoiding the cold and flu is not easy and not always possible but there are 10 simple things we can do to protect ourselves. There’s a nasty cold/flu going around right now, be on guard. Here are some ways we can protect ourselves. The 3 most important rules in sanitizing and protecting ourselves from germs:…
Thieves Oil is a Natural Remedy to Sanitize and Support Your Immune System
I love Thieves Oil because it is a healthier alternative to other more toxic methods of disinfectant. It smells good and it goes a long way. Thieves Oil is a preferred method for many to help keep germs at bay. It will limit exposure to more harsh additives such as those found in alcohol-based hand…
10 Strategies Help Resist Cold, Flu Bugs
Are you one of many suffering from a cold or flu bug going around this time of year. Building your immune system is key to protect yourself from illness. There are times when we get sick, no matter what we do. However, there are some streps we can take to maximize our potential to be healthy. Here are 10…