I love these beef sliders for many reasons. First, they are delicious, everyone loves them, except maybe the vegetarians. Second, they are super easy to put together and you can even prepare them ahead of time and keep them in the fridge or warm in the oven. Third, for the same amount of effort as…
Self Care Christmas Challenge
The Self Care Christmas Challenge is all about you. Just a few minutes to fill your cup. I challenge you to do one thing for yourself every day for the rest of December. The holidays can be busy and stressful. We need to find ways to restore. How do you want to feel at the other…
Turkey Burner!
Come on over! We are getting right back on track. This week only Turkey Burner will burn off Christmas calories, rev up your metabolism and kick start your new year fitness goals! The school district is closed over the holidays so we are not able to use the gym for Bootcamp on Tuesday, December 30th. Therefore, I am offering two other…