The Ab Roller Challenge! Okay! This challenge is only 15 days so don’t wait to start. Starting March 1st, I challenge you and myself, to do 5 min of Core Exercises/ day, 5 days/week, for 2 weeks. If you need a good reason to do this challenge, read my article on Core Stability – What…
Self Care Christmas Challenge
The Self Care Christmas Challenge is all about you. Just a few minutes to fill your cup. I challenge you to do one thing for yourself every day for the rest of December. The holidays can be busy and stressful. We need to find ways to restore. How do you want to feel at the other…
Woman2Warrior 2017 Event 2 Remember!
This years Woman2Warrior is going to be an event 2 remember! Save the date … August 27, 2017! This was so much fun last year, we are doing it again : ) Check out this video to see what is so important about getting these kids to camp. Woman2Warrior 2017 is going to be an event to…
Sip n Sleep Challenge
Here’s the challenge … Try to Get 8 Hours Sleep a Night.Take a Sip of Water Every 15 Minutes all Day for 7 Days.The Challenge starts Wednesday, March 1 – 7, 2017Anyone who sticks with the challenge for the full 7 days earns a free class of their choice, where there is space available. There is a…
Why it is Critical to Drink Water
WATER IS THE SINGLE MOST CRITICAL NUTRIENT Water offers so many health benefits. Drinking water will help mental clarity, blood flow, energy levels, feeling full as well as digestion and elimination. Getting enough H2O doesn’t just help you regulate how much you eat — it helps you digest and metabolize more efficiently too. Water allows…