Upcoming Workshop – Eating Clean

Upcoming Workshop – Eating Clean Upcoming Workshop – Eating Clean Join us for a fun, informative workshop and find out how you can eat well, manage your weight and improve your health. Enjoy a “Clean Lunch” and take home the recipe as well as a package full of information you can use to kickstart your…

Cardio Core Ball Blast!

New Class Starting this week! Cardio Core Ball Blast! Come join us for a FREE sample class, Wednesday, October 28, 2015. This will be a fun way to burn calories and rev up your metabolism using stability balls, medicine balls and bosu balls to get fit. Every class will be just a little different, keeping…

Open House

  I’m having an open house for you… and your family and friends : ) 3 years ago, I held the first class in the Forever Fit Studio on Brier Ave. Please join me for some delicious snacks and a toast to all of you who made it possible for me to do what I love to do… teach all of you 🙂