Habits and Change Let’s talk about CHANGE. It’s something most of us want, in one or more aspects of our lives. So, if we want change, why is it so darn hard? You’ve probably heard of the statement regarding the brain that, “Neurons that fire together, wire together…” Donald Hebb, a neuropsychologist, explains that every…
Habits and Change Let’s talk about CHANGE. It’s something most of us want, in one or more aspects of our lives. So, if we want change, why is it so darn hard? You’ve probably heard of the statement regarding the brain that, “Neurons that fire together, wire together…” Donald Hebb, a neuropsychologist, explains that every…
Hiking Can Change Our Brains!
I came accross this interesting article about how hiking can change our brains! More and more studies are coming out that suggest or prove how hiking lowers our risk of heart attack, improves blood pressure and blood sugar levels, increases bone density because it is a weight bearing activity.