Cathy’s Personal Story

Cathy’s personal story at Forever Fit started last May.  Her body fat was too high, she was not exercising at all and yet she could not figure out why her clothes were not fitting.  Being the loving, kind person that she is, Cathy, as most women do, put most of her energy and time into her…

Meet Gayle : )

Just like the rest of us, Gayle has been involved in fitness off and on for many years. The difference for Gayle this time is that she can now see why Eating Clean and being physically active needs to be an ongoing part of her life and she has made that commitment to herself. Last…

Roger’s story

  I promise this is not photoshopped or staged. Roger really stood like this when I met him. I used to see him walking down the street at an angle. Looking at the string attached to the plumb, you can see how far off centre his body was leaning. Roger came to me looking for…