October Fitness Challenge? Mini Bridge! This exercise might look familiar but trust me, if you are setting it up correctly, it’s a killer. Your challenge… should you choose to accept, is to perform the Mini Bridge a minimum of 3x/week for the next 4 weeks. Discover how the Mini Bridge can increase core strength and…
Nordic Pole Walking – 10 Benefits of We All Need
Nordic Pole Walking … Stronger Core… Better posture… Better Balance. Who doesn’t want better posture, balance and core? The most frequent request that I get is, can we work our core? Most of my members know that there is an element of Core in all of the activities we do in my classes and personal…
Nordic Walking for Balance, Posture and Fitness – Free Presentation/ Introduction
Core Stability – What is it Good For?
Core! What is it good for? Absolutely Everything! You need core stability because your core muscles are the foundation for your upper and lower body. All of our movements in the gym, home, work either originate in your core, or move through it. Which means that weak or inflexible core muscles can impair how well your…
Ab Roller Challenge
The Ab Roller Challenge! Okay! This challenge is only 15 days so don’t wait to start. Starting March 1st, I challenge you and myself, to do 5 min of Core Exercises/ day, 5 days/week, for 2 weeks. If you need a good reason to do this challenge, read my article on Core Stability – What…