Here's the challenge ...  

  1. Try to Get 8 Hours Sleep a Night.
  2. Take a Sip of Water Every 15 Minutes all Day for 7 Days.
  • The Challenge starts Wednesday, March 1 - 7, 2017
  • Anyone who sticks with the challenge for the full 7 days earns a free class of their choice, where there is space available. 
  • There is a sign up sheet in the studio but you do not have to have your name on the list in order to participate.

Sleep and Water have a huge impact on our body and how we are able to function... 

The rational behind the "sip" is that when the body is dehydrated, it is less able to absorb the fluid. When we guzzle a bottle of water, it is like pouring a bottle of water over a dry plant or sponge... the water just rolls off or through. But, when you "sip" you give the tissue, aka fascia, time to absorb the water/fluids. This way you are more hydrated, your tissue has more fluidity, flexibility, mobility, less pain and better performance. It's all about getting what we want 🙂


Eating Clean and exercising are 2 important pillars for a healthy life but getting a good night’s sleep equally impacts our body’s ability to function.  Read the complete article here.

Strategies that may help you get your 8 hours sleep (some with links to other articles on my website)


Don't worry about how much you are drinking, focus on sipping frequently. The connective tissue in our body will absorb fluids more efficiently when we consume small, frequent amounts. Think of your dried out planters, when you add water, what happens? The water pours over the sides right? Thats because it is dehydrated, so what do we do? Add, small, frequent amounts of water until all of the soil is wet. That's what our connective tissue needs. When the connective tissue is well hydrated we move better, feel better and perform better. So get sippn'!  Read the complete article here.

Here are some tips that I use to increase my sipping frequency.  

  • Have a sip or three before your shower and again after. This will kick start your organs and get your metabolism humming
  • Put a full glass/bottle of beside every sink or space in your house that you spend time at; couch, desk, hot tub
  • Sip before you workout
  • Take a glass of water to the bath and sip while you soak. This may help lower blood pressure.
  • Make a pot of herbal tea in the morning and sip it through out the day
  • Sip all through your workout.
  • Sip all the way home after your workout.
  • Put a water bottle in your bag and car. Fill it or swap it out for another frequently.
  • Take a bottle of water everywhere you go and sip, sip, sip
  • Set up a timer to remind you to sip
  • Set up a pop up on your computer to remind you to sip

If you have some other tricks on how to stay hydrated, please do share with me or on my fb page.

One final thing, it does not HAVE to be water. Ice, herbal tea, soup stalk and any other liquid that does not have calories counts. We just want to hydrate the body : )