October Fitness Challenge?

Mini Bridge!

October Fitness Challenge - Mini Bridge. A great way to improve balance, stability, strength and a great looking toosh too :) Forever Fit, Nancy

This exercise might look familiar but trust me, if you are setting it up correctly, it’s a killer. Your challenge… should you choose to accept, is to perform the Mini Bridge a minimum of 3x/week for the next 4 weeks.

Discover how the Mini Bridge can increase core strength and hip stability, and learn simple ways to refine your execution of this move. Better Booty is a good motivation too, right? : ) When most people perform a bridge, they initiate the movement from their rib cage – not their hips —which creates a big arch/contraction in the lower back. Learn how to activate the lower fibers of your glutes and engage your core without elevating the rib cage unnecessarily.

Your challenge is to do this a minimum of 3x/week for 4 weeks.
To start, get set up on the roller, then…

  1. Lift and lower yourself 4 x’s
  2. Again, 4x’s, lift and lower with a pause at the top/bottom
  3. Lift and lower for the pattern/no stops 4x’s…. Hold!
  4. Tap your knees together 3x’s / Hold / Open knees 4x’s

Here’s the video tutorial, good luck 🙂

Having FUN, getting FIT, that’s Nancy’s goal for you at Forever Fit! Fitness Training with Nancy McNeil at Forever Fit means finding activities that you enjoy so that she can help you meet your fitness goals. You don’t have to be an athlete to get, or to be, fit. Nancy will help you find a workout that fits in with your goals and fitness abilities. There are a wide range of opportunities available at Forever Fit Studio. Click on either link, Classes or Schedule, for more inspiration. “Hope to see you soon!”