Gill is a mother of 4 boys, works a full time job in social services aaand teaches a course at UVIC. After thinking about my personal training groups for at least a year, Gill joined us last January.
Starting a fitness program can take some time to process before making that commitment. But Gill did it, and since that 1st day she has committed big time. She gives every workout 100%. Even a severely sprained her ankle did not stop her. With her Dr.’s note of permission in hand and a walking cast on foot, she pushed on. We set her up in a portable chair, surrounded with all her fitness tools and she did everything we did … from her chair.
“My amazing training adapted all the exercises and I pushed on” Like I was going to give her the easy out : ))) She managed to maintain her weight despite all of her fun summer activities : ) “Eating Clean has made a huge difference in how I feel… my family as well”. Gill is now back on her feet adding the hike n tone group, bringing her up to 4 fitness classes/ week 🙂 You can see Gills commitment to fitness and eating clean by her results in her pictures. Gill is now down nearly 20lbs of Body Fat and a total of 15.5 inches to date. Her goal is to lose another 10lbs. With her mind set and her new lifestyle, I have no doubt she will succeed. Way to go Gill!