IMG_1723On June 20, all of Jesse’s hard work will pay off. Keep in mind, he’s carrying 75lbs less than 1.5 years ago and he only just recovered from the hike to Mt. Everest base camp where he developed … a lung infection. He’s been climbing, crawling, hiking, swinging, balancing and pulling. The pull ups have been the most challenging for Jesse but he’s come a long way.

Here’s what Jesse had to say about his journey : ) ” How easy is it to radically change your life and lifestyle?  Like the fabled, 1000 mile journey,  it starts with a first step, followed by the will to take the next…..several thousand.
If I hadn’t taken that first step, I would never have lost the weight, regained the flexibility, built the strength, over came the structural limitations, endured the therapies, done the reps, walked the trails, taken the classes, and ultimately challenged myself through my first Tough Mudder and a trek to the top of the world. And now….another step forward.”

Well said Jesse 🙂  You have mastered the concept of consistancy and patience. You are ready Jesse, you are one Tough Mudder @#$%^ ! : )))