Green Goodness Dressing is an easy to make, healthy dressing that you can add to … anything : ) Put it on your salad or buddha bowl. You could also mix it into a pasta or potato salad. We often have a pasta made from beans because we don’t eat meat. I sometimes put Green Goodness Dressing on a bowl of bean pasta and roasted veggies… Yum! Make lots so you have leftovers and don’t have to cook tomorrow : )
Having FUN, getting FIT! That’s Nancy’s goal for you at Forever Fit. Fitness Training with Nancy McNeil at Forever Fit means finding activities that you enjoy so she can help you meet your fitness goals. You don’t have to be an athlete to get, or to be, fit. Nancy will help you find a workout that fits in with your goals and fitness abilities. There are a wide range of opportunities available at Forever Fit Studio. Click on either link, Classes or Schedule, for more inspiration. “Hope to see you soon!” |