Who We Are
A Team That Loves to Create
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas aliquet laoreet felis id tristique. Duis efficitur, augue a condimentum placerat, tortor nibh maximus neque, eu eleifend tortor urna in odio. Maecenas ultrices dolor a nulla cursus, ut consequat purus volutpat. Donec pellentesque ligula enim, sed luctus ex posuere eu. Pellentesque odio lorem, posuere vel magna vitae, suscipit commodo nisl.
Proin elementum neque et tempor viverra. Suspendisse in ante tristique, facilisis tellus at, commodo augue. Mauris quis sapien accumsan, dapibus ex nec, ultricies nunc. Duis eu enim sit amet sapien scelerisque placerat. Fusce rutrum iaculis hendrerit. In aliquet, nibh at egestas pharetra, nulla nisi molestie nisl, nec interdum ex purus maximus felis.
Let’s work together! Drop us an email to get started!
What We Do
Keep It Simple
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas aliquet laoreet felis id tristique. Duis efficitur, augue a condimentum placerat, tortor nibh maximus neque, eu eleifend tortor urna in odio. Maecenas ultrices dolor a nulla cursus, ut consequat purus volutpat. Donec pellentesque ligula enim, sed luctus ex posuere eu. Pellentesque odio lorem, posuere vel magna vitae, suscipit commodo nisl.
Proin elementum neque et tempor viverra. Suspendisse in ante tristique, facilisis tellus at, commodo augue. Mauris quis sapien accumsan, dapibus ex nec, ultricies nunc. Duis eu enim sit amet sapien scelerisque placerat. Fusce rutrum iaculis hendrerit. In aliquet, nibh at egestas pharetra, nulla nisi molestie nisl, nec interdum ex purus maximus felis.
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Personal Training | Personal or Group
Cancellations: There are no refunds for missed sessions. However, when I receive a minimum of 24 hours notice, you do not lose that session, we just schedule you for another session.
Make Ups: I am happy to offer you a make up class for any class that you are unable to attend as long as there is room in the class you choose and it is within 7 days of the class you are missing. Please try to use your make ups within the session that you are registered in, when possible. As a courtesy to your fellow members, it is appreciated if you give as much notice as possible so that another member can take advantage of your spot for their make ups.
Late Arrivals: Please do your best to come to your class on time. Late arrivals are disruptive to the members and to the instructor. It can also be a safety concern if you have missed the instruction prior to your arrival.
Wait List: When a class fills up, I am more than happy to put you on the waitlist. Periodically, spaces open up. If you are interested in a class that is currently full, please ask to be put on a wait list and I will call you.
Forms | Personal Training
Complete the forms that correspond to the type of activity you are attending for your first class or personal training session:
- Client Information
- Health Form (Par-Q) (If you answer yes to any of the questions on page 1, or anything related to the heart, a doctor's note may be required)
- Waiver
- Terms and Agreement
Cancellations: There are no refunds when you are unable to attend your scheduled class.
Make Ups: I am happy to offer you a make up class for any class that you are unable to attend as long as there is room in the class you choose and it is within 7 days of the class you are missing. As a courtesy to your fellow members, it is appreciated if you give as much notice as possible so that another member can take advantage of your spot for their make ups.
Late Arrivals: Please do your best to come to your class on time. Late arrivals are disruptive to the members and to the instructor. It can also be a safety concern if you have missed the instruction prior to your arrival.
Wait List: When a class fills up, I am more than happy to put you on the waitlist. Periodically, spaces open up. If you are interested in a class that is currently full, please ask to be put on a wait list and I will call you.
Please complete print and bring both of the forms below to your first session.
- Member Information
- Health Form (Par-Q) (If you answer yes to any of the questions on page 1, or anything related to the heart, a doctor's note may be required)
- Waiver