10438417_1497919837106384_8531834265564233586_nHolistic nutritionist, Kristen Price is coming from Vancouver to deliver this amazing workshop. Food as Medicine: How to Eat Your Way to a Great Night’s Sleep. It’s a key element in our foundation for living a healthy, happy life. When you lack sleep it can affect your mood, your concentration and the quality and enjoyment of your every day life. You feel irritable and exhausted thinking of even completing the smallest of tasks, let alone your list of to-do items.

In this 1 hour seminar you will learn:

• How what you eat effects your sleep

• What common dietary and lifestyle mistakes people make that affects their quality of sleep

• How to turn off your mind when it’s time to crawl under the sheets

• 3 things you can do now to get a better nights’ sleep and wake up feeling energized.

Saturday, May 9, 11am – 12pm, $40. Registration deadline May 5th. Contact me to register