What is Fascia and Connective Tissue?

Fascia is a net of connective tissue that supports your whole body. Fascia organizes the water and fluids that are in your body. Unhealthy fascia and connective tissue is often dehydrated, creating pain in the body.

The MELT Technique

Most of you know that I was in Portland for a course entitled MELT. I learned about this amazing system of connective tissue within our bodies. I learned how it functions and how it can create pain in the body. MELT is a series of simple techniques with hand and foot treatments. It can eliminate pain by rehydrating your connective tissue. I am excited to be back ready to share my knowledge about fascia, connective tissue and MELT foot treatments.  For those of you not yet training with me :), "MELT Method® (Myofascial Energetic Length Technique) is a simple self-treatment. It helps reduce chronic pain allowing you to stay healthy, youthful and active for your lifetime.

According to MELT creator, Sue Hitzmann, new research has revealed the missing link to pain-free living: having a balanced nervous system and healthy connective tissue. You’ll see and feel results in the first treatment. "The ultimate goal of MELT is to improve your body’s ability to restore balance and repair itself which can create remarkable, lasting changes. MELT offers natural pain relief, allowing you to address the true cause of chronic pain, not just mask the symptoms."

I've included a video from Gill Hedley, who explains what fascia is and what we need to do to eliminate pain in our bodies.

MELT with Nancy

In the studio, we are just getting started with a foot treatment that you can do by yourself at any time. MELTing regularly may help you fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly. As well, it helps boost your energy during the day and can also help improve your posture. It helps reduce stress and tension, shed excess body fat, and can even reduce the appearance of cellulite.  The techniques mimic that of the hands-on therapies where some of us spend a lot of money.

Over time, I will be introducing more techniques to help you reduce pain and reconnect with your body's sense of balance. This will all help to slow down the aging process. In the near future, I will be adding classes specific to MELT treatments. Then you can really "MELT" away all that fuzz and hydrate your whole body to live a pain free life.

Gill Hedley video: Fascia and Connective Tissue