You may have seen this cutie on the news lately. A few months ago, after a soccer game, she was experiencing symptoms such as a headache & numbing in her limbs. She ended up in the hospital and a short time later, the only part of her body she could move was her eyes. Darbi is a local Cowichan girl. She graduated from Frances Kelsey and has been studying Kinesiology and playing soccer at UVIC.  When she is not at school she works at Sportcheck in Duncan to save money for school.  As far as I know she will be ok but she has a long road of rehabilitation ahead of her.  She won’t be able to work to make money for university.  Darbi’s mom is a single parent and a nurse at Cowichan District Hospital. She is using her sick time to care for Darbi at the hospital while maintaining a house on Maple Bay rd.

There are three ways you can support Darbi;

  1. Bootcamp: Monni Savory is hosting a Bootcamp this Friday, July 10, at Centenial Park, 6-7pm. The cost is by donation.  Please join me in supporting this lovely young lady, having fun, getting fit aaaand supporting our community.
  2. BBQ at Sportcheck; Saturday, July 11
  3. Go Fund Me, Dollars for Darbi