WHAT is Nordic Pole Walking?

This exercise will help you increase your workout exponentially by adding the poles to your walk. Burn more calories, use more muscles with less intensity for great benefits. Improve your posture, core and stamina Sounds unbelievable right? I know... but its true.

Here is what Judy said about her experience with Nordic Pole Walking. “I love it! And I really feel my posture is getting much better because of it. I go to a chiropractor once a month because of my 3 protruding discs in my lower back, scoliosis & tension in my Maximus Glutinous & neck. I went just after the 3 rd. lesson & he noticed a difference in my neck & scoliosis. He was pleased & very encouraging. I also like the fact that a 30 min. walk 3 times a week is so doable & so beneficial.”

Many people have not yet heard about Nordic Pole Walking.  It is often confused with trekking poles.  Nordic  Pole Walking is like cross-country skiing without the snow. It is not a crutch, it is a specific sport that is simple but effective. This sport helps to reduce the impact on our body and increase muscle strength, balance and mobility. It also improve many health issues such as diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

WHY should you try Nordic Pole Walking?

Nordic Pole Walking is convenient, feels good and it’s effective.  Nordic Pole walking is convenient, it can be done on sidewalks, low tide beaches, and country roads using these two lightweight poles.  This exercise uses 90% of the body’s muscles in a way that is easy, fun, and do-able.  Moderate and persistent exercise is the prescription for health…and you can happily do this with Nordic Pole Walking.  Pole Walking for three 30-minute sessions will give you good health.

Nordic Pole Walking is MUSCULARLY EFFECTIVE. It offers us a total body workout.  With proper technique, 90% of your  muscles are used.  Muscles used turn on switches of health within the body!Nordic Pole Walking uses 90% of your muscles. The intensity is lower on each muscle but the repetitions are increased by the amount of time spent walking. This means we get more benefits with less energy output. And that burns more body fat :) Forever Fit, Duncan, BC.
NORDIC POLE WALKING lends itself to social outings and adventures.  Many of the neighbourhood pole walking groups explore new areas, and have coffee at the end.
WHO can Nordic Pole Walk?

Anyone, regardless of age or condition can do the Nordic style walking! From young (age 5) to old (92), from athletic to average, from competitive to rehab.

WHERE can you start Nordic Walking?

Nordic Pole Walking Clinics with Forever Fit in Duncan are usually hosted at the Cowichan Sportsplex on Chesterfield Avenue.

But, Nordic pole walking can be done just about anywhere. All you need is a smooth surface anywhere, anytime.  Could be as close as the sidewalk in front of your house, or the corridor outside your condo or office door.  If you can walk, you can Nordic Pole Walk.

WHEN can I start Nordic Walking?

The Nordic Pole Walking Clinic is 4 weeks, 4 classes, 1 hour each. Clinics are currently being offered on Tuesday mornings at 10:30am. and Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.


If you need a group to join, contact me and I'll set you up. If you have a group, let's talk about a day and time that will work for you : )

Cost is $60.+tx = $63/session,  4 classes/session

Nordic Walking Poles are $79.99 +tx

Be sure to check out what these two physiotherapists have to say about Nordic Poles Walking
The prescription for health with Nordic Pole walking is 30 minutes which is a 3000 pound work load.  HOW?  Many repetitions x light weight. Forever Fit, Duncan, BC
Nordic Pole Walking is an inexpensive way to increase your fitness level and improve your core strength, range of motion, cardio and posture. Forever Fit, Duncan, BC.
Nordic Walking for health, wellness, posture, weight loss, mobility ... and fun : ) Forever Fit, Cowichan Valley
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