Clam Challenge!
13+ members signed up for the Clam Challenge but I know more of you did them… who are you? : ) I only know of 2 who completed the challenge. You might want to let me know so I can give you your reward.
13+ members signed up for the Clam Challenge but I know more of you did them… who are you? : ) I only know of 2 who completed the challenge. You might want to let me know so I can give you your reward.
Congratulations to all of you who participated in the Clam Challenge! A big shout out to those of you who did all 30 clam EVERY day! As a reward, you will all receive 1 Free class as part of your next scheduled session : ) When you register for your next session, say ” I completed the 30 Day/30 Clam Challenge” , and I’ll give you your Free class : )