Core Stability – What is it Good For?
Core! What is it good for? Absolutely Everything! You need core stability because your core muscles are the foundation for your upper and lower body. All of our movements in the gym, home, work either originate in your core, or move through it. Which means that weak or inflexible core muscles can impair how well your…
High Intensity Workouts can Have Harmful Side Effects
Rhabdo… is a serious condition that can be the result of high intensity workout. If you haven’t heard me say, “Work at your own level/pace,” hear me now. It is important on many levels to find the right pace and intensity by easing in, not racing in. We are all on different paths and we…
30 Day Fitness Challenge
Holiday Fitness Challenge!How is your fitness challenge going? The challenge started November 21 but you can start anytime. Don’t let the “30 Days” stop you from starting. Start now! Get 30/35 days of at least 20min. fitness per day.When you get busy, what is the first thing that you take out of your day? Fitness????…
Muscle vs. Fat–Which Weighs More?
So often, I hear people say, “Muscle weighs more than fat.” Actually, a pound of muscle weighs exactly the same as a pound of fat.A pound is a pound is a pound. It doesn’t matter what you are measuring in weight. If you measure a pound of fat and a pound of muscle, they each…